Special Officer & Competent Authority, Ulc And Anr. v. P.S. Rao (SC) BS189098

Before:- M. Jagannadha Rao and Doraiswamy Raju, JJ.

IA 2 in SLP 1662 of 2000. D/d. 28.8.2000.

Special Officer & Competent Authority, Ulc And Anr. - Appellant


P.S. Rao - Respondent

Urban Land (Ceiling Regulation) Act, 1976, Sections 20(1)(b) and 10(3) - Exemption from provisions of the Act - Validity - Apex Court in an earlier order passed by Division Bench of High Court holding that in spite of the fact that a vesting order was under 1976 Act, owner of the land whose land had so vested is free to seek exemption under provisions of the Act - State filed application for clarifying whether if possession had not been taken pursuant to order vesting, owner of the land had a right to seek exemption from provisions of the Act - As per order of Bench "question of retrospectivity of exemption order does not really arise for the reason that in the proceedings under Chapter III of the Act are still pending may be at the final stage" - Said view accepted by Apex Court in present case.

[Paras 1, 2, 3 and 4]


In the order passed by this Court on 17.1.2000 dismissing the SLP by a reasoned order, this Court held that, notwithstanding the fact that a vesting order was passed under the provisions of the (Urban Land Ceiling & Regulation) Act, 1976, it would be open to the owner of the land whose land had so vested, to seek exemption under the provisions of the Act. In the facts of that case, the G.O. issued by the Government granting exemption was issued on 31.10.88 subsequent to the order of vesting on 5.10.87. Notice for surrender was issued by the Government on 16.4.88 and G.O. granting exemption was issued on 31.10.1988. Learned Single Judge and the Division Bench held that the G.O. could be taken advantage of by the respondent even though vesting order had been passed. This order was upheld by this Court against the judgment dated 17.1.2000

mentioned above.

2. The present application for clarification has been filed by the State of Andhra Pradesh for clarifying the position as to whether if possession had not been taken, pursuant to the order of vesting, the owner of the land had a right to seek exemption from the provisions of the Act under Section 20 or under Section 10, by virtue of the G.O. issued by the Government ?

3. It will be noticed that in the order of the Division Bench of the High Court, this position has been clearly explained. The Bench said that "the question of retrospectivity of the exemption order does not really arise for the reason that in the proceedings under Chapter III of the Act are still pending, may be at the final stage". The Division Bench further observed that :

4. The Division Bench further observed as follows :

5. We fully endorse the view expressed by the Division Bench of the High Court as extracted above.

6. We are, however, not deciding a situation where possession has been taken over and where third party rights have not intervened.

7. With the above clarification, the I.A. is disposed of.
