M.C. Mehta v. Union of India (Uoi), (SC)
Before:- M. Jagannadha Rao and M.B. Shah, JJ.
IAs 74-95 in Writ Petition (Civil) Nos. 13381 of 1984. D/d.
M.C. Mehta - Petitioner
Union of India and others - Respondent
Constitution of India, 1950, Article 32 - Interlocutory application filed which was in substance one in the nature of review - Held - Interlocutory applications if in substance are in the nature of review applications, they should not be permitted to be heard in open Court but should be directed to be circulated treating them as review application - Thus petitioner permitted to convert the said application into review application.
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M. Jagannadha Rao, J. - Subsequent to the order passed by this Court permitting the petitioner to file an interlocutory application, this interlocutory application has been filed. Recently, this Court has held that interlocutory applications if there are in substance in the nature of review applications, they should not be permitted to be heard in open Court but should be directed to be circulated treating them as review applications. This application now before us is in substance one in the nature of review. The petitioner can convert it into a review application. If it is so converted, the office will circulate the review application in Chambers. The petitioner is permitted to file a revised memorandum of review indicating precise points, within one week.