65. Shri. Pratik Chettri v. State of Meghalaya, (Meghalaya) 18.02.2025. - Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 Section 482 Indian Penal Code, 1860 Sections 279 and 337 Quashing of FIR - Held, where the petitioner and the respondent voluntarily entered into a compromise, and no other individual from
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67. Nandan Singh v. State of Uttarakhand, (Uttarakhand) 18.02.2025. - A. Indian Penal Code, 1860 Sections 279, 304-A, 337, 338, and 427 Conviction - Revisional scope - Conviction of accused under Sections 279, 304-A, 337, 338, and 427 IPC upheld by Sessions Court and revisional court base
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