55. Smt. Mithlesh Kumari v. State of U.P., (Allahabad) 12.02.2025. - A. Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 Section 125 Purpose of maintenance proceedings - Held, proceedings under Section 125 Cr.P.C. aim to prevent vagrancy and destitution, providing speedy relief for the supply of food, clot
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58. Sri Brojendra Nath Mondal v. Smt. Jayanti Bose, (Calcutta)(DB) 12.02.2025. - A. Indian Succession Act, 1925 Sections 211 and 213 Executor's locus standi - Held, executor of a Will, as the legal representative of the deceased, has the locus standi to proceed with an appeal to safeguard the deceas
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