See labeled Judgment
Modal title
21. Dr. Tanvi Behl v. Shrey Goel, (SC) 29.01.2025. - A. Constitution of India, 1950, Article 14 - Reservation in Medical Collages - Residence-based reservation - A reasonable degree residence-based reservation in a State is permissible for MBBS CCited 1 times Read Headnote
- A. Constitution of India, 1950, Article 14 - Reservation in Medical Collages - Residence-based reservation - A reasonable degree residence-based reservation in a State is permissible for MBBS C
Cited 1 times Read Headnote
22. Independent Sugar Corporation Limited v. Girish Sriram Juneja, (SC) 29.01.2025. - A. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, Section 61 - Appeal - "Aggrieved Person" - An unsuccessful resolution applicant whose Resolution Plan could have otherwise been approved by the CoC, saCited 1 times Read Headnote
- A. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, Section 61 - Appeal - "Aggrieved Person" - An unsuccessful resolution applicant whose Resolution Plan could have otherwise been approved by the CoC, sa
23. Krishnadatt Awasthy v. State of M.P., (SC) 29.01.2025. - A. Madhya Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act Avam Gram Swaraj Adhiniyam, 1993, Sections 40 (c) and 100 - Constitution of India, 1950, Article 226 - Read Headnote
- A. Madhya Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act Avam Gram Swaraj Adhiniyam, 1993, Sections 40 (c) and 100 - Constitution of India, 1950, Article 226 -
Read Headnote
24. Hitesh Verma v. M/s Health Care at Home India Pvt. Ltd., (SC) 29.01.2025. - Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 Section 138 Read Headnote
- Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 Section 138
25. Ajai Kumar Chauhan v. State of Uttar Pradesh, (SC) 29.01.2025. - A. Indian Penal Code, 1860, Sections 302 and 304 - Alteration of conviction - Appellant initially convicted under Section 302 for murder Read Headnote
- A. Indian Penal Code, 1860, Sections 302 and 304 - Alteration of conviction - Appellant initially convicted under Section 302 for murder
26. Dr. Priyambada Sharma v. Board of Governors In Supersession of Medical Council of India, (SC) 28.01.2025. - Admission - Transfer to Medical Colleges - Petitions allowed to the extent that students who completed their studies by July 2022 and were working as Senior Residents would retain their degrees as valid, despite the prio Read Headnote
- Admission - Transfer to Medical Colleges - Petitions allowed to the extent that students who completed their studies by July 2022 and were working as Senior Residents would retain their degrees as valid, despite the prio
27. Gambhir Singh v. State of Uttar Pradesh, (SC) 28.01.2025. - A. Indian Penal Code, Section 302 - Indian Evidence Act, 1872, Section 27 - Murder trial based on circumstantial evidence - Prosecution failed to establish motive, last seen theory, and recovery of incriminating material Read Headnote
- A. Indian Penal Code, Section 302 - Indian Evidence Act, 1872, Section 27 - Murder trial based on circumstantial evidence - Prosecution failed to establish motive, last seen theory, and recovery of incriminating material
28. Chandrabhan Sudam Sanap v. State of Maharashtra, (SC) 28.01.2025. - A. Indian Penal Code, 1860, Sections 302 , 364 , 366 , 376 (2)(m), 376A , Cited 1 times Read Headnote
- A. Indian Penal Code, 1860, Sections 302 , 364 , 366 , 376 (2)(m), 376A ,
29. Ivan Rathinam v. Milan Joseph, (SC) 28.01.2025. - A. Evidence Act, 1872, Section 112 - Presumption - 'Paternity' and 'Legitimacy' is not an independent circle, but is entombed within paternity - Presumption is in favour of legitimacy - ChalleCited 1 times Read Headnote
- A. Evidence Act, 1872, Section 112 - Presumption - 'Paternity' and 'Legitimacy' is not an independent circle, but is entombed within paternity - Presumption is in favour of legitimacy - Challe
30. Constable 907 Surendra Singh v. State of Uttarakhand, (SC) 28.01.2025. - Indian Penal Code, 1860, Sections 302 and 34 - Arms Act, 1959, Section 27 (1) - Common Intention - Appellants initially acquitted by the tr Read Headnote
- Indian Penal Code, 1860, Sections 302 and 34 - Arms Act, 1959, Section 27 (1) - Common Intention - Appellants initially acquitted by the tr