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150 judgements found. Displaying from 21 to 30.

21. Dr. Tanvi Behl v. Shrey Goel, (SC) 29.01.2025.

- A. Constitution of India, 1950, Article 14 - Reservation in Medical Collages - Residence-based reservation - A reasonable degree residence-based reservation in a State is permissible for MBBS C

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22. Independent Sugar Corporation Limited v. Girish Sriram Juneja, (SC) 29.01.2025.

- A. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, Section 61 - Appeal - "Aggrieved Person" - An unsuccessful resolution applicant whose Resolution Plan could have otherwise been approved by the CoC, sa

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23. Ajai Kumar Chauhan v. State of Uttar Pradesh, (SC) 29.01.2025.

- Indian Penal Code, 1860, Section 302

24. Dr. Priyambada Sharma v. Board of Governors In Supersession of Medical Council of India, (SC) 28.01.2025.

- Admission - Transfer to Medical Colleges - Petitions allowed to the extent that students who completed their studies by July 2022 and were working as Senior Residents would retain their degrees as valid, despite the prio

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25. Chandrabhan Sudam Sanap v. State of Maharashtra, (SC) 28.01.2025.

- Indian Penal Code, Sections 302 , 364 , 366 , 376 (2)(m), 376A ,

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26. Ivan Rathinam v. Milan Joseph, (SC) 28.01.2025.

- A. Evidence Act, 1872, Section 112 - Presumption - 'Paternity' and 'Legitimacy' is not an independent circle, but is entombed within paternity - Presumption is in favour of legitimacy - Challe

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27. Constable 907 Surendra Singh v. State of Uttarakhand, (SC) 28.01.2025.

- Indian Penal Code, 1860, Sections 302 and 34 - Arms Act, 1959, Section 27 (1) - Common Intention - Appellants initially acquitted by the tr

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28. Som Datt Builders-NCC-NEC(JV) v. National Highways Authority of India, (SC) 27.01.2025.

- A. Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, Section 37 - Arbitration - Power of the Engineer to revise the rates given in the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) in the event of increase in actual quantiti

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29. Jagwant Kaur v. Union of India, (SC) 27.01.2025.

- L.P.G. distributorship - Offer of alternate Land - Validity of - Appellant challenged allotment of LPG distributorship, alleging that respondent no. 4 offered same land as another applicant, leading to disqualification -

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30. K. Samba Moorthy v. Sanjiv Chadha, (SC) 27.01.2025.

- A. Constitution of India, 1950, Article 133 - Non grant of promotion up to Scale-V due to pending disciplinary proceedings - Whether appellant was entitled to retrospective promotion from MMG/

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Goto Judgment