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252 judgements found. Displaying from 51 to 60.

51. Satbir Singh v. State of Haryana, (SC) 17.05.2024.


Cited 2 times

52. M/s. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited v. Dharamnath Singh, (SC) 17.05.2024.

- Essential Commodities Act, 1955, Section 3 - Termination of dealership agreement - When dealership agreement is to be cancelled, it has to be so done strictly in consonance with Rules/Guidelines

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53. Bijay Kumar Manish Kumar HUF v. Ashwin Bhanulal Desai, (SC) 17.05.2024.

- A. Constitution of India, 1950, Article 136 - Eviction petition - Non payment of rent - Forfeiture of lease - Direction for payment of rent and mesne profit - Held, mesne profits become payable on continuation of possess

Cited 6 times Read Headnote

54. PR. Commissioner of Income Tax v. Vishaldeep Spinning Mills Ltd., (SC) 17.05.2024.


55. Gautam Kumar Das v. NCT of Delhi, (SC) 17.05.2024.

- Guardian and Wards Act

56. Principal Commissioner of Income Tax v. M/s Hike Private Limited, (SC) 17.05.2024.


57. Rajesh Kumar v. Anand Kumar, (SC) 17.05.2024.

- A. Specific Relief Act, 1963, Section 12 - Agreement to sell - Dismissal of suit for specific performance on ground that agreement not signed by all the co-owners - Held, agreement does not sho

Cited 22 times Read Headnote

58. Damodar Valley Corporation v. Damodar Valley Power Consumers Association, (SC) 17.05.2024.


59. Tamil Nadu Medical Services Corporation Limited v. Tamil Nadu Medical Services Corporation Employees Welfare Union (SC) 17.05.2024.

- Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishments (Conferment of Permanent Status to Workmen) Act, 1981, Sections 2 (3) and 7 - Establishment - Tamil Nadu Medical Services Corporatio

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60. Bano Saiyed Parwaz v. Chief Controlling Revenue Authority and Inspector General of Registration and Controller of Stamps, (SC) 17.05.2024.

- Maharashtra Stamp Act, 1958, Sections 47 and 48 - Bombay Stamp Rules, 1939, Rules 21 and 22A - Demand for refund of Stamp Duty paid towards un-executed conveyance dee

Cited 6 times Read Headnote

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