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118 judgements found. Displaying from 21 to 30.

21. Kiran v. Saleem Khan, (Bombay)(Nagpur Bench) 12.02.2025.

- A. Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 Section 168 Motor accident claims - Determination of compensation - Tribunal erred in deducting amounts other than income tax and professional tax while computing loss of financial dependence

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22. State of Maharashtra v. Shyamrao, (Bombay)(Aurangabad Bench) 12.02.2025.

- A. Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 Sections 7, 13(1)(d), and 13(2) Acquittal in corruption case - No corroborative evidence of accused demanding or accepting bribe - Pre-trap verification of bribe demand absent - Acc

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23. Satya Prakash Bagla v. Evaan Holdings Pvt Ltd, (Delhi)(DB) 12.02.2025.

- A. Constitution of India Article 226 Writ of Mandamus - Maintainability of writ petition against RBI for failure to act against NBFC violations - Held, High Court has jurisdiction under Article 226 to direct public auth

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24. Achal Kumar Jindal v. Evaan Holdings Private Limited, (Delhi)(DB) 12.02.2025.

- A. Constitution of India Article 226 Writ of mandamus - Issuance of writ of mandamus against RBI - Held, when a public authority like RBI is vested with specific statutory powers, it is duty bound to exercise them to ad

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25. Shri. Strickly Syiemlieh v. State of Meghalaya, (Meghalaya) 12.02.2025.

- A. Meghalaya School Education Act - Sections 20 and 24 - Management of schools - Ownership dispute between individual and village community - Inquiry reveals schools were established by the village community and were ne

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26. Uttam v. Subhash, (Bombay)(Nagpur Bench) 12.02.2025.

- A. Mamlatdar's Courts Act, 1906 - Sections 5 to 11 and 12 to 26 - Non-compliance of mandatory provisions - Held, Mamlatdar must ensure compliance with provisions, including examination of the plaintiff on oath, verifica

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27. Vaman v. Sub-Divisional Officer, Achalpur, (Bombay)(Nagpur Bench) 12.02.2025.

- A. Mamlatdars' Courts Act, 1906 Sections 5, 7, 9, 12, 23 Right of Way - Petitioners objecting to orders passed by Mamlatdar and Sub-Divisional Officer allowing respondents' application to remove obstruction on right of

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28. Anil v. Avinash @ Deepak, (Bombay)(Nagpur Bench) 12.02.2025.

- A. Maharashtra Court Fees Act, 1959 Section 6(iv)(d) and Section 6(iv)(j) Suit for declaration of ownership by way of adverse possession and permanent injunction - Court held that Section 6(iv)(d) applies and not Sectio

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29. Arjun Rai v. State of Bihar, (Patna)(DB) 12.02.2025.

- A. Indian Penal Code, 1860 Sections 302, 304 Part II, and 379 Conviction under Section 302 IPC modified to Section 304 Part II IPC - Held, though the accused assaulted the deceased with the knowledge that their act was

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30. Sukhdev Singh v. Sukhbir Kaur, (SC) 12.02.2025.

- A. Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 Sections 11, 24, and 25 Void marriages - Spouse of a marriage declared void under Section 11 of the Act is entitled to claim permanent alimony or maintenance under Section 25 - Grant of relie

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Goto Judgment