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Overrule Alert

All the overruled judgments have a red flag over them. Not only that an overruled judgment where ever cited is displayed in red hyperlink along with overruling reason. Never ever miss an overruled judgment


Tipping Points

Tipping Points are the points in a judgment where the judge or the Courts speaks his mind. All such points are Highlighted in green. So never miss an important part of a judgement


Permanent Highlighter

You can Highlight any text in a judgment like you do in books. This highlighting is permanent and stays with your user ID - Highlighting will not print unless you use printable highlighter


Reading Light

With Reading Light of Law Finder you can highlight important words or phrases or even dates in all the judgments. Now crucial words and phrases any where in the judgment are never out of your focus

Hard notes

2 Million + Head Notes

Compiling since 1967 Law Finder has over 2 million Headnotes. Only database that allows headnote search for more successful queries. Catch word search in headnotes brings out more accurate results

Bare Act

24000plus Bare Acts

24000+ Central and State Bare Acts and Rules are available in Law Finder. Open any Bare Act and go to any section to read it. New Bare Acts are regularly added and routinely amended


80% Hyper Linking

80% of the cited cases are hyperlinked and seamlessly linked. All cited cases can be opened from within the judgment you are reading with ease. So you never have to search the cited cases


Star Ranking

Frequently cited cases are ranked with stars depending upon how many times they have been cited. Never miss an important judgment. You can also open all cited cases with a single click

There is more to it then meets the eye

Search Speed is 3x faster then the best you have experienced

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It is because of Technology that the Law Finder has the biggest list of overruled judgments

All with Ease !!

All overruled judgments are flagged in red and all of them are cited in red colour along with reasoning by overruling Court
All distinguished judgments are cited in orange colour along with reasoning

Biggest List of Overruled cases that Grows every Week

Biggest Indian Legal Database
Daily Reporting of Supreme Court Cases

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High Court of Allahabad|High Court of Karnataka|High Court of Calcutta|High Court of Karnataka|High Court of Telangana|Punjab and Haryana High Court|entire Delhi Lower Judiciary|Entire Punjab and Haryana Lower Judiciary|entire UP Lower judiciary|Director of Prosecution Haryana|Director Prosecution Uttar Pradesh|Director Prosecution Tamil Nadu|Central Bureau of Investigation